After our first two classes, I joined Celestial, Taty and Eryn (I NEED A NICKNAME FOR YOU, ERYN) in geography class. I neglected to mention yesterday that our previous principal has, *ahem*, left us, and we have a new principal. Now, Mr. Williams (AKA Mr. Smileyface) is filling in as our geography teacher. Yesterday, he informed us that we would be giving our presentations on Wednesday. Then he changed it to today. So, everyone brought all their supplies, and Taty wore pigtails and a Dora shirt, and as we walked into class, Mr. Smileyface let us know that we will again be presenting TOMORROW. So, it looks like we still have to wait another day.
Today was actually pretty uneventful. It rained. Then the sun came out and everyone but me was pissed. *unimpressed with precipitation*
Animal science was actually a ton of fun. We were handed worksheets (which were super easy) and at the end of the packet there was a section where you could design an insect. The only guidelines were that it must have a head, thorax, abdomen, 2 antennae, 2 eyes, and 6 legs. I drew a dragonfly. Its name is Steve.
Eryn drew a demonic dragohopper. Its name is Jeff.
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I will leave the rest of today's events to be written by Celestial! <3
***** UPDATE *****
Unfortunately, it appears that Celestial will not be able to access her computer for the next two weeks. I will continue to update as much as I can, though there may not be more photos if she is not able to bring her laptop to school. (She probably is not.)
~ Kyles
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